The College of Blessed Herman the Cripple is the student Medieval Club of the University of Adelaide. Officially we are affiliated with YouX clubs, as “Adelaide University Society for Creative Anachronism” or AUSCA. Our other affiliation is with the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is an international organisation founded in 1966 in Berkeley, California. The SCA is a mixture of re-enactment, re-creation, and historical role-playing, covering the time roughly between 600-1600 C.E.
We run our own events and meetings, but we also work with the Adelaide group (known as the Barony of Innilgard) and have a sister club at Flinders University (known as The College of Saint Christina the Astonishing). We have regular get-togethers, where we do archery, combat archery, armoured combat and fencing training along with generally socialising and holding committee meetings. Through-out the year we have a mixture of events ranging from full medieval-style feasts (in our best attempts at historical garb/clothing) through to simple fun get-togethers like beach days or BBQs.
Membership is free! and you can sign up here!