Combat is just one part of the SCA. A vast amount of activity within the SCA involves Arts and Sciences, from the clothing we make and wear, to the armour constructed and decorated, to the foods cooked at feasts – generally these are all explorations into Arts and Sciences. We run classes, competitions and encourage every person’s attempt at all pre-17th century Arts and Sciences activities, whether that be brewing, calligraphy, heralding (voice or registering names and arms), dance, banner-making, leather work, blacksmithing to name a few.

While we have no regular college Arts and Sciences meet-ups, keep an eye out on our Facebook group and Discord server for classes and workshops organised by members. If you’re interested in running an activity, let our Arts and Sciences Officer know – you can find their email on the Contact Us page.

Otherwise, we encourage all members to attend the regular Arts and Sciences activities of the clubs we’re affiliated with, namely:

  • The bardic circles hosted by our sister college Saint Christina fortnightly on Fridays (they cross post announcements to our Facebook group and Discord Server)
  • The monthly Arts and Sciences meet-ups hosted by the Barony of Innilgard